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类别:展会快讯 | 录入者:fid | 发布时间:2017-04-18 [2950]


       2017米兰国际家具展(Salone del Mobile.Milano )

       米兰国际展览馆(Fiera Milano Rho)




       作为国际行业标杆,本次第56届米兰国际家具展(Salone del Mobile.Milano )将继续沿袭上一届的精彩和辉煌。



      展出的品牌商品包括:Moleskine的经典笔记本、Piquadro的精美拉杆箱、以及高端又实用的Vittorio Martini 1866系列书桌和书写用具。




       Salone del Mobile.Milano 2017

       Fiera Milano Rho

       4th – 9th April 2017

       Beautiful and useful: Salone del Mobile.Milano branded merchandise

       After scoring such a hit last April the Salone del Mobile.Milano has again come up with a striking range of branded products for sale at the fairgrounds and elsewhere.

       An internationally acclaimed brand, the Salone del Mobile.Milano is replicating the initiative launched so successfully last year at the 56th edition.

       This was an ad hoc initiative conceived for the “Salone people”, passionate about design and appreciative of beauty, constantly on the lookout for top quality, sophisticated and functional products. A means of maintaining a live connection beyond the six days of the event and keeping it going right through the year.

       Fans of the Salone del Mobile can now have a permanent reminder of the event to pop into their pocket or bag, keep on their desk or carry on their shoulders. A reminder of a journey, a souvenir of beauty.

       The product range includes the classic Moleskine notebook, Piquadro’s elegant trolley cases and bags, and the practical and exclusive Vittorio Martini 1866 desk and writing implements.

       All Salone del Mobile.Milano branded products will be on sale at the Rho Milan Fairgrounds during the trade fair and this year, for the first time, on the Salone del Mobile.Milano website and in other Milanese “temples” to design and beauty as of 4th April.



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