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2017享受愉悦办公 A Joyful Sense at Work
类别:展会快讯 | 录入者:fid | 发布时间:2017-04-01 [4806]




       作为在上一届米兰国际家具展上表现出卓越远见性的项目,本次国际办公家具展将于2017年4月4日至9日在米兰国际展览中心(Fiera Milano Rho)的22号和24号展厅举行,届时将向观众展现各种充满活力的新型设计理念。

       “享受愉悦办公”这一展览旨在为办公空间的设计注入新的活力:它将关注的焦点重新放回到人们身上,关注他们的需求、情感和体验。这一令人惊叹的项目是专门为两年一届的“Workplace3.0”国际办公家具展而创作的,由建筑师Cristiana Cutrona担任策展人。







       这四组设计师团队分别为:来自美国的Primo Orpilla & Verda Alexander/Studio O+A,来自伊朗的Ahmadi Studio/Arash Ahmadi,来自荷兰的Ben van Berkel/UNStudio和Jeff Povlo/SCAPE,以及来自意大利的Alfonso Femia & Gianluca Peluffo/Studio 5+1AA。届时,他们将会在各自的办公空间设计方案中,从幸福感和生活质量的角度出发,探索文化认同与全球化之间的关系。

       来自Studio O+A的Primo Orpilla和Verda Alexander根据其设计理念,完成了“饮水机”(Water Cooler)项目的设计:水是对未来办公空间的最佳比喻。通过完美地迎合工作者的身心需求,这一空间旨在激发工作者的想象力,为其提供一定的动力,并不断补足这种动力,使其在身心都得到满足的前提下,高效地完成手中的工作。按照工作者的不同需求和实际活动情况,从而将空间标定为不同的区域。

       Ahmadi Studio构想出了一个具有高度适应性、并且不断演变的办公空间,它能够将私人领域和社交领域结合起来,以满足人们的竞争性需求。Arash Ahmadi在提出这一设计理念时,主要是受到两个标志性空间体系(位于伊朗)的启发:一个是属于私密空间的波斯花园,另一个是熙熙攘攘的市集,后者恰好反应出了当代工作及社会所具有的活力和多样性特征。设计师通过运用独特的规则和方案,将这两种空间结合到了一起。这个设计的重点是在一个无限延伸扩张的漩涡中,找到一个代表其本质的固定点。正是这一点让人产生了安全感和归属感,进而迸发出澎湃的活力和亲密的愉悦感。

       来自UNStudio的Ben van Berkel和来自SCAPE的Jeff Povlo则更为看重人们在工作中遇到的压力,而这也是当下最令人头疼的问题。为此,他们设计出了“RESET”(即“响应性情绪转化(Responsive Emotional Transformation))。这是一个沉浸式的模块空间,其中利用经由科学验证的趣味性互动方式,来降低人们的工作压力。这种设计理念的依据是:通过将相关技术施加于个体并作用于环境,使人们能够以最佳的方式应对糟糕的情绪状况,同时使环境能够随着人们在其中承受压力水平的变化而发生改变。

       由来自Studio 5+1AA的Alfonso Femia和Gianluca Peluffo设计的空间名为“变时系统”(Chronotopic System)。它会根据具体的时空、以及“寄身”于其中的使用者的需求及愿望而做出改变。在新型办公空间及其日益演变的能力(创造出各种新型关系)中,蕴含了这样的关键理念,即:扩充、融入、整合、归属。



A Joyful Sense at Work.

Evolving workspaces: from product design to anthropodesign

       A visionary project/installation, announced at the last Salone del Mobile.Milano, will boost energy levels and drive new design concepts in Pavilions 22 and 24 of the Fiera Milano Rho from 4th to 9th April 2017.

       The purpose of A Joyful Sense at Work is to breathe new life into the theory of office and work place design by setting its sights squarely on people, in terms of their needs, emotions and experiences. This stunning installation was created especially for the biennial Workplace3.0 exhibition curated by the architect Cristiana Cutrona.

       The title, A Joyful Sense at Work, reflects the notion that, going forward, work will need to “make sense” of things and relationships, generate new quality of life, and deliver excitement and happiness. Taking a humanistic and anthropological approach to designing offices means responding to the real needs of people today.

       The workplace of the future will be adaptive, unfinished, vibrant and evolutionary, tailored to reality and capable of accommodating the comings and goings and needs of workers and how they use it. The workplace will be smart, able to cope with rapid change, evolutionary and contemporary: human beings will be the key focus in a fastchanging environment. It will be happy, nourishing, fertile and sustainable – both environmentally and ethically, in terms of respect for people’s feelings, history, culture, diversity and rights.

       The focus will be on people. Technology and furnishings will move with and around people, meeting their needs instantaneously. Technology will become cloud-based and mobile, space will become fluid and self-regenerating, evolving and devolving. It will be devoid of fixtures (furniture, partitions, false ceilings and floors), and stripped of functional areas (meeting rooms, business areas and private office). The aim is to allow it to return to being a place where visions and real people can blossom, constantly changing according to the interaction between space and user.

       Within an approximately 1,600 m2 area, A Joyful Sense at Work will showcase this new workplace concept by creating a “piazza” virtually split into four “areas” or “regions”: the Concentration area, a closed region and private space for individual work; the Sharing area, a transit region, a public space for collaboration, socialising and sharing; the Creative area, a space for innovation, invention and imagination; and Porous Fabric, a filter space, an intermediate area between public and private, a place for opportunities and exchange.

       4 architectural practices of international renown and standing, chosen on the basis of geographic area of provenance, have been invited to design “an installation within an installation” in this space, which embodies not just their own vision of the office of the future but also the cultural characteristics of their areas of provenance.

The installation will thus feature four different interpretations of the workplace.

       Designs by Primo Orpilla & Verda Alexander/Studio O+A (USA), Ahmadi Studio/Arash Ahmadi (Iran), Ben van Berkel/UNStudio and Jeff Povlo/SCAPE (Holland), and Alfonso Femia & Gianluca Peluffo/Studio 5+1AA (Italy) will explore the relationship between cultural identity and globalisation in relation to happiness and quality of life in terms of workplace design.

       The Water Cooler perfectly distils the concept devised by Primo Orpilla and Verda Alexander of Studio O+A: water as a perfect metaphor for the workspace of the future. This space will aim to feed the imagination, restore motivation and regenerate the people who work in it through its ability to adapt perfectly to their physical and emotional needs, as their satisfaction is the secret to optimum performance. The space can be marked out into different area according to the needs and activities of the workers.

       Ahmadi Studio has come up with an adaptive and constantly evolving workspace, capable of  bringing the personal and social spheres together to respond to people’s competing demands. Arash Ahmadi has drawn inspiration from two iconic Iranian spaces: the Persian garden, an intimate and private place, and the bazaar, a place of exchange and discussion, which mirrors the dynamism and variety of contemporary work and society. These two spaces are integrated by means of unique rules and schemes. The focus of the display will be a fixed element representing nature inside a vortex that expands upwards and extends throughout the spaces, generating a sense of security and belonging, dynamism and intimate joy.

       Ben van Berkel of UNStudio and SCAPE’s Jeff Povlo reflect on the condition of stress at work, to which contemporary man is exposed. RESET – Responsive Emotional Transformation – will be a totally immersive and modular space drawing on scientifically proven ways of reducing stress in a playful and interactive way. This concept is based on the use of technology applied to people but perceived by the environment, enabling people to manage difficult emotional situations as well as possible and allowing the space to mutate according to the level of stress experienced by those who work in it.

       Chronotopic System, the space designed by Alfonso Femia and Gianluca Peluffo of Studio 5+1AA, changes in relation to space and time and according to the use, the demands and the desires of those who “inhabit” it. The key concepts informing this new workspace and its increasingly evolved capacity to generate relationships are encroachment, pollution, integration and belonging.


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